Mandate - 2022 Municipal Election

I bring to the table 33 years of experience serving the community via the Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder Bay. I possess the skills required to form the needed alliances and partnerships to get things done. As a councillor, you get one vote. In order to get things done you require six others to see your point of view. I have built a career on developing partnerships in order to maximize resources to the benefit of all concerned parties. The Boys & Girls Club is proof to what a shared resourced model can do to benefit the community at large. My results are proven over and over.

I am fiscally responsible working in the Non Profit sector for an organization that receives no core funding of any type from any level of government, yet the organization continues to grow....Proven!

I am passionate, dedicated and committed to the task at hand in fulfilling the duties as your McIntyre Ward Councillor moving the ward and the city forward.





Ensuring children and youth have safe walkways to schools. In collaboration with the school boards identify areas that require supervision (Crossing Guards) or protected crosswalks across 4 lane roads throughout the ward.

With reduced bussing schedules introduced, Parents want assurances that their children will be safe particularly during the long winter months.





Ensuring infrastructure dollars are spent in ensuring needed improvements and maintenance of parklands and sporting fields so they can continue to be utilized by children, youth and families for years to come.

